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Are you struggling with one of these issues?

Work-life balance. Anxiety. Depression. Shame. Grief. Bullying. Anger. Behaviour problems. Lack of motivation. Challenging life transitions. Parenting or relationship trouble.

not waving, drowning

Does moving forward feel too hard or unlikely to be successful? It can be really hard to develop well and live by your values when emotions are swamping you.  Feeling overwhelmed by emotions like misery, anger, anxiety, hopelessness or shame is common, but you don’t have to stay trapped.

I’m here to help.  When you come to see me you’ll be investing in your health in a powerful and transformative way.

Generally, we learn emotional and other life skills via instruction, modelling, and experience along the way.  But sometimes life throws curve balls that are outside our range or the range of our usual supports.  It’s in those times that people sometimes need solace or guidance.  I’ve studied for years, lived for longer and am living a life I love – hardships and all.  I want you to be doing the same and so I’ll help you figure out how to manage this difficulty you’re having. 

Together we can get you on your way moving forward.

Man in suit crying

How’s work going? Is there a difficult colleague you’re dealing with?  Is there a problem in your work community? Maybe the grind is getting you down or you feel like all you are is a family ATM.  I counsel individuals who are experiencing workplace difficulties – bullying, ongoing work overload and chronic stress – and help them find real solutions.

I work in partnership with Australian schools and school systems to help leaders stay well. Through the Principal Health and Wellbeing Project (now at Deakin University) I conducted international, annual wellbeing assessments of school principals for a decade.  I’m serving at the individual and group level now and am available for bespoke wellbeing assessments.

Are you a parent of a delightful, different child? I work with parents to ensure that you’re able to be the way you want to be and that all children get understanding and support. I’ll assess what’s going on in your family, help you change what isn’t working and do more of what is!

I use a collaborative and proactive solution-focused stance to work through child conduct and behaviour difficulties.  Find out more and get some recommendations.


Some of my older clients experience painful psychological distress but have trouble asking for help. I work closely with medical professionals and living facilities to make sure that older adults and their families have got support.  

Being an older adult can be hard and being the adult child of one can also be a struggle while everyone tries to work out what’s “best”.  I really love guiding people to rethink the skills they’ve built throughout their lifetimes – strength reminiscence is a lovely way to assist people through difficult transitions.  And when appropriate, I can work with your family to help everyone navigate this stage of life together.  

When appropriate, I visit clients outside of the clinic (at kinder, school, home, work, or at care facilities).

Call now – 0456 033 200  

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