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The School of Life have a beautiful free online Book of Life.  I find peace and clarity in their pieces. (Alain de Botton created this site and he’s wonderfully insightful.) My current favourite article is The Wisdom of Nature

Sheltered path

“The wisdom of the melancholy attitude lies in the understanding that we have not been singled out, that our suffering belongs to humanity in general.”

And I particularly like this video.

For a free self-help course you can’t go past This Way Up which is a non-profit initiative sponsored by the Australian Government and the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD) at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.

Here’s Greater Good’s free, excellent and evidence-based Action programs to help you live well- Greater Good

Here’s how to really understand and implement the latest research into happiness

The Science of Wellbeing – a free excellent course (mentioned in the article above) from the Happiness team at U Penn

Russ Harris’s Happiness Trap 8-week therapy course


Mind and Emotions (self-help book)

Mindfulness information

10 Minute breathing meditation (press the red play button on the next screen)

Self-compassion resources


The website is useful for comparing online prices across stores. Links open a Google search for the title so you can choose your own retailer and read a range of reviews.

The Course of Love

How To Keep Calm and Carry On

Stress Proof

Read ‘Em and Sleep

The Mind-Gut Connection

Meaning and Emotions

Man’s Search For Meaning

Every Time I Find the Meaning of Life, They Change It: Wisdom of the Great Philosophers on How to Live


The Anger Fallacy: Uncovering the Irrationality of the Angry Mindset

The Anger Fallacy Workbook: Practical Exercises for Overcoming Irritation, Frustration and Anger Workbook Edition

The Jealousy Cure: Learn to Trust, Overcome Possessiveness, and Save Your Relationship


Active Listening Tips


E-safety for children: ESP-first-mobile-phone and ESP-Online-safety-preschool-children

APS 10 Tips for Teens thriving the digital age

The Explosive Child

The Strength-Switch

Parenting a Teen or Young Adult with Asperger Syndrome

The ASD Independence Workbook: Transition Skills for Teens and Young Adults with Autism (a help book for Teens)

The Anxiety Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Deal with Anxiety and Worry

Time Timer
HABAER Squishy balls
Squishy Balls
  • Fidget cubes
  • Slime
  • Glitter Wands
  • Liquid hourglasses