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Professional Quality of Life

Measure your levels of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout & Secondary Traumatic Stress using this self-scored questionnaire. Please seek support if your score indicates risk.


Find out your Strengths

My clients and I love looking at life through a strengths perspective. It’s useful to pay attention to the strengths that help you every day.

A focus on using strengths is so much more effective at drawing us into action than beating ourselves up is.  Despite what your brain tells you, being mean to yourself is rarely motivating.

Understanding your strengths can help you focus on your goals, use your energy efficiently, get along with others better and procrastinate less.

Take the Values In Action Strengths survey

It’s a great free tool for ranking your character strengths. You’ll be taken to a registration page to fill in a little information and then you can complete the VIA Survey.

Once you’re done you’ll see your character strengths ranked.

There’s the option of a detailed report too (you can buy it after completing the survey, or I can do it for you). If you’re doing this for a workshop, please print your strengths ranking out and bring it along.



Here’s some more wellbeing assessments from the positive psychology team at UPenn.


Health-related Quality of Life

Would you like to check your quality of life?  Get a sense of how life is for you across your mental health, relationships, self-worth, happiness, coping, pain, your senses, and your independence by taking the Assessment of Quality of Life AQoL-8D.

There’s a question early on that asks for an ID.  If I asked you to complete this, or if you’d like me to contact you after you do the survey, please enter your email address in that field.

If you just want to check your wellbeing and leave no details, that’s fine, just enter ‘none’ in the ID field.

Your privacy is guaranteed.  If you choose to input an email address as an ID code it will be stored on my secure server.

You can privately email yourself a copy of the results once the report has been generated – but no emails are ever collected or saved from the report page.

There’s about 40 multiple choice questions and it takes between 5-10 minutes to complete. Your de-identified answers may be used for future research purposes because tracking outcomes is an important part of good clinical practice.

If you consent, please go ahead and take the survey. 


Relationship Trust

Measure your level of trust in intimate relationships. This assesses how dependable, honest, and reliable you believe your partner to be, how responsive you think he or she will be when you need him or her the most, and how much faith you have in your relationship as a whole.

After doing it, there’s good resources for relationship enhancement on the Greater Good site, like this one that helps you avoid the 4 horseman of relationship doom (contempt, criticism, defensiveness and stonewalling).