Do you feel like you’re stuck in a pattern you know needs to change, but you don’t know where to start? You know you need to do something but maybe it’s hard to get motivated. You might even feel like you can’t be your real self with those around you. I’ve been there.
Feeling worried, depressed or stressed hurts us. And those feelings make it so much harder to believe in good futures don’t they. I know I never predicted my life accurately 20 years ago when I was really struggling.
If things keep on the way they have been, what will it be like in a year? What about in 5 years? How will you feel then and what will be the same (or maybe worse)?
But … if you picked up the phone today, called me and got some help, what might be different for you in a few months? Your life may have changed for the better because you took a stand on your own behalf and did something that you know you really need to do.
How will you know that coming to see me will have worked? What does that future look like?
It can definitely be a bit scary coming to therapy and taking ownership of your direction, but I truly believe that it’s one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. And my past clients tend to agree with me!
I value your intuitive insight highly, I think you offer many practical, useful and realistic suggestions,
I always come away from our sessions with stuff I had never thought of and above all
I recognize that you are prepared to review and reflect on your own perspectives and judgements
in a thoughtful and compassionate manner.
I’ll help you find the patterns in your experiences and how those patterns influence you. Seeing patterns brings clarity to choices and a chance to change.
You can get a better understanding of how your mind, body and emotions come together (like a perfect storm sometimes!) and make you you. You’ll feel better as you understand yourself (and hack into yourself) more.
We’ll work together to plan your next steps. I’ll help you with emotional flexibility through mental models, skills and useful strategies.

I see all sorts of people, adults and children, with all sorts of issues.
We’ll start with a phone chat, I’ll do my best to understand where you’re at and if I am suited for your needs and vice versa. From that call, you’ll either book a session or, if I don’t think I’m a good match for you or have no room for new clients, I’ll try to refer you on to someone I think can help you out.
Either way you get some assistance and that’s the goal at this stage of your journey.